Class Prayer
As a Church school we love to worship. The children have created their own class prayers which they say daily along side the Lord's prayer.
Dear Lord, Thank you for our families and friends. Thank you for the good food that we eat. Thank you for looking after us and showing us your love. AMEN
Year 1
Thank you God for our friends and family, Thank you God for keeping us happy and safe, Thank you God for our lovely world, We promise to be kind and look after each other. AMEN
Year 2
Dear God, Thank you for making our families, friends, teachers and us. Thank you for our beautiful world, which we promise to take care of. Thank you for giving us shelter, food, clothes and for keeping us safe. Please help us to learn lots at school and always try our hardest to be the best person we can be. Also, help us to have fun and play nicely. Please help us to care, respect, and treat people kindly, as we would like to be treated. AMEN
Year 3
For our families, thank you Lord. For your love, thank you Lord. For the nature around us, thank you Lord. For the animals we have, thank you Lord. For the night and day, thank you Lord. For the sun and moon, thank you Lord.
Year 4
Dear God, Thank you for our families, friends and teachers; they make us happy and keep us safe. Please help us to learn at school and always try our best. Help us to be kind to each other and to remember our fun times. Thank you that we have so much in our lives; help us to remember the people who don't have as much as us. AMEN.
Year 5
Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us this lovely world with our nurturing school where we feel happy and safe. We are grateful for the friends that we make, the support that we have and thE amazing opportunities that are given to us. Please help us to be kind, think of other's feelings and to help those less fortunate than us. We thank you Lord. AMEN.
Year 6
Lord and Jesus above, Thank you for our homes, friends and families. Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for our food and water. Thank you for education and technology. Thank you, Lord and Jesus above.